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It can be difficult to fathom, but the amber used in our jewellery was created more than 20 million years ago. During the tertiary era of earths evolutionary phase, Skåne was covered in deciduous and confier trees. Warm winds blew through these sumptuous forests. In these tropical conditions, trees secreted a sticky resin. With time the resin partially solidified and fell to the basin floor where it remained for millions of years, changing in harmony with nature. Warm winds grew colder. Forests gave way to ocean. Today, we generally find amber amongst oceans waves and sand.

The amber used in our jewellery has gradually gone through a complex process of change. With time it has been shaped by the elements: earth, wind and water. This process only occurs in nature, so it is not possible to chemically produce amber, that is why each piece of amber is unique.

Skåne, southern Sweden


Rav can be found in different places in the world. In Sweden it is native to southern Sweden.

Amber comes in a variety of colors. It can sparkle in cognac or shades of dark brown. Some stones are as yellow as dandelions, others black as raven’s eyes or as white as heavy cream. In Poland one can find red amber and on the American continent green and blue amber is common.

All our jewellery if made from amber that has been handpicked in Skåne. On white sandy beaches, where seals rest and seagulls dive. The amber that is washed ashore here is unique. Those who know what to look for can tell its origin by simply looking at it.

Amber searching


For generations there have been those who search for amber in the unruly ocean waves. Finding this unique treasure takes knowledge, strength, and perseverance. The amber used in RAV by Sweden’s jewellery is made from handpicked amber from the beaches of southern Sweden. When autumn storms ravage the coast and the Baltic ocean is at its coldest, that is when the amber stones are to be found. To gather amber during these conditions is a craft in itself.

These are some of the questions one must ponder when to find this natural wonder:

In which direction is the wind blowing?

How high is the water level?

When is the time to give up and search elsewhere?

RAV by Sweden is a proud member of this community of passionate souls who are ensuring that the history of amber and the tradition of searching for amber, is preserved.

We treasure the unique properties of amber. By combining traditional handicraft and modern design, our ambition is that future generations will also discover the joys of amber.


Amber has been considered a valuable material dating back to the first civilizations of Scandinavia. Rav was used as a currency when old Norse was spoken throughout Sweden and was traded for imported copper, spices, and wine. In this way, amber also became one of Scandinavia’s first export wares. Therefore, amber can be seen to have greatly contributed to the economic, cultural and social development of the Scandinavian countries.

Lately, rav has been forgotten about as it competes with jewellery made from modern materials. By combining traditional handicraft with modern design, our ambition is for rav to be rediscovered in the most refreshing way. So, our jewellery is not only made in a unique and authentic natural material. It also contains thousands of years of cultural history.